
We offer a diverse range of Custom Built Water filtration systems at affordable prices. We pride ourself on providing high quality products and offer a quality guarantee on all items.


From a small residential to large commercial systems, your request will be met with expert advice, individualized attention, and innovative solutions. Contact us and discover all we have to offer. Our staff is looking forward to speaking with you!


The WS-1 Single tank Softener is the best selling model we have! It comes in sizes small enough for a single-family home up to a large commercial property. 







  • Clack Valve ( Made in USA ) 
  • Up to 20gpm flow ( depending on tank size ) 
  • On-Demand Regeneration 
  • Easy to service
  • Reasonable repair cost in the future ( a long way in the future of course ) 
  • 3 sizes - 32,000, 48,000, 64,000 grain models
  • Turbulated 
  • Premium, high-grade Resintec Resin ( Made in USA ) 
  • Built-in by-pass
  • Tank jacket
  • Brine tank w/hard lid, salt grid, and safety overflow valve
  • 5yr valve warranty, 10yr tank warranty, 1yr labor warranty w/installation


  • 32,000 Grain w/normal installation    $1195.00
  • 48,000 Grain w/normal installation    $1295.00
  • 64,000 Grain w/normal installation    $1395.00

Ask us about our reduced " do it yourself " softener only cost. 


The WS-1EE Twin-tank Softener is the best selling twin model we have! It comes is sizes small enough for a single family home up to a large commercial property. 





  • Clack Valve ( Made in USA ) 
  • Up to 20gpm flow ( depenent on tank size ) 
  • Always Soft - On-demand controls
  • Easy to service
  • Resonable repair cost in the future ( a long way in the future of course ) 
  • 3 sizes - 32,000, 48,000, 64,000 grain models
  • Turbulated 
  • Premuim, high grade Resintec Resin ( Made in USA ) 
  • Built in by-pass
  • Tank jacket
  • Brine tank w/hard lid, salt grid, and safety overflow valve
  • 5yr valve warranty, 10yr tank warranty, 1yr labor warranty w/installation


  • 32,000 Grain w/normal installation    $1795.00
  • 48,000 Grain w/normal installation    $1995.00
  • 64,000 Grain w/normal installation    $2195.00

Ask us about our reduced " do it yourself " softener only cost. 

AIO-12 is our best preforming Air Injected Oxidizing iron filter. This system requires no dagerous chemicals to remove iron, just the natrual process of oxidation.










  • Proven Fleck AIO control valve
  • Regenerates based on number of days
  • Removes tough iron from you trouble water.
  • Built in by-pass
  • Natural colored media tank. 
  • 5yr Valve warranty, 1yr Labor warranty 


12" AIO Iron filter       $1395.00


Ask us about our reduced "do it yourself" unit only cost. 



What is the Difference between Air Charger Iron Filters and Maxi-Vent Air Compressor System Iron Filters?



For a Birm or MangOX iron filter to work properly, there must be enough dissolved oxygen present in the water to oxidize iron and manganese particles for filtration.  A good way to achieve oxidation without having to install an open atmospheric pressure storage tank and additional booster pump is to aerate the water by passing it through a head of air as it enters the iron filter tank.  The air can either be injected with an external air compressor, as in the Maxi-Vent systems, or it can be drawn in during a backwash cycle, as in an Air Charger system.

An air charger is simpler and will require less maintenance than a system with an external compressor, since the whole oxidation process occurs in one tank.  Air charger systems function by drawing in air during their backwash cycle and keeping a pocket of air above the filter media to oxidize iron and manganese.  The air charger iron filters that we carry come equipped with a Fleck 2510-SXT air injection control head that automatically backwashes the system daily to clean the media and flush out particulate in addition to drawing in air for oxidation.


Maxi-Vent Air Compressor System                                                                            Maxi-vent system - For VERY high Iron bearing water - Call for pricing



Air Charger Iron Filter


                                                                                      AIO-12 - For High Iron bearing water - Pricing above


Maxi-Vent air tanks, on the other hand, function by pumping air into a filter via an external compressor.  While an air charger filter will only filter about 7 – 8 ppm of iron and hydrogen sulfide, a Maxi-Vent system can filter from 5 – 20 ppm.  And because the Maxi-Vent system has a separate air tank and compressor, one can always be sure that there is a head of air in the filter tank for aeration, without the need to run a backwash cycle every night.

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